Monday, 21 May 2012

Juneathon 2012

Hi y'all!! 


So I caved in ... I am going to give Juneathon another go. What is Juneathon?! Its an "annual festival of activity and excuses". Any activity goes; running, walking, gym, workouts etc. The rules are simple; do an activity everyday, blog about it, record your times on running free online and hope that you can keep up with it all month! 

I failed last year. I didn't even manage one day but this year things a little different. I have been more active than I ever was. I had managed to get into a routine, however due to being ill for a significant time I have lost my way a bit. Juneathon is my ticket back into the world of exercise. I need an active lifestyle, my body loves gaining weight due to inactivity even if I am eating healthily. 

Also this is one of the ways I will be able to begin my training for the Sodbury Slog 2012. Not sure why I went and signed up for that but apparently I perform best under pressure. 

Finger crossed... I can do it. 

Wish me luck and join me in this challenge! 

Thanks for reading.



  1. Good luck, hope you do better than last year...!

  2. Thanks Cathy! Fingers and toes crossed :) The jubilee bank holiday is going to be a kicker :(
